Ghent Group Annual Meeting

November 6-7, 2024
Ghent Group logo
The role of science in dealing with dilemmas in policy-making

Event Overview

The event will take place on November 6th-7th, 2024 in Brussels.

About the Ghent Group:

The Ghent Group is an informal community of European institutes and individuals working with science-based advice in the fields of agriculture and environment. The group has common interest in sharing best practices, learning and teaching. It is named after its first training course in Ghent, Belgium in October 2022. This was followed by another training course and workshop in Ghent in 2023. 

Event Details

    Time Description

    Abigail MUSCAT

    (Wageningen University and Research)

    Opening & Welcome

    Thomas PLESENER,

    Lene HEGELUND,

    Anja SKJOLBORG HANSEN (Aarhus University)

    Setting the scene: activities of the Ghent Group

    Session 1 - Different science-policy interface methods and examples. How do we generate


    09:45-10:00Moderators of LLs workshopLearnings from the Living Labs workshop
    10:00-10:15Olivier MORA (INRAE)

    Presentations followed by group reflection

    How do we assess the impact of scientific advice on policymaking

    10:15-10:30Katharina HELMING, Keerthi BANDRU (ZALF)Climate modelling with policy-makers: the experience of MACSUR SciPol
    10:30-10:45Didier RICHARD (INRAE)Pesticide-free agriculture in 2050: reconnecting research and policy debates

    Reflection on generating impact: Living Labs, foresight, modelling with policy-makers

    • What do we mean by impact?
    • How is it measured?
    • What are the pros and cons of the various methods?

    Francesca MONITCONE (University of Bologna)

    Giampiero MAZZOCCHI (CREA)

    Elisa PORRECA (City of Milan) 

    Madeleine COSTE (Eurocities)

    Policy Coherence Methods workshop

    An overview of the different methodologies to asses Food Policy Coherence and Integration (15 min)

    Two case studies that have aimed to assess policy coherence will present the methodology they employed (on assessing the coherence between Italian and EU policy frameworks on CLEVERFOOD’s deliverable “Comparative analysis of existing urban food policies”

    Reflection- Speakers will be invited to react to their colleague’s presentation, comparing advantages and shortcomings, and similarities and differences with their methodology

    Discussion opened to the audience moderated by Abigail (25 min)- what methodology to measure and assess policy coherence?

    14.00-17.30Wageningen University and Research

    Mansholt lecture & drinks*

    WUR perspectives on agriculture, food and nature in the EU 

    (For information about the research, click here).

    Group dinner
    * Participation in the Ghent Group Annual Meeting also includes attendance at the Mansholt Lecture on Wednesday afternoon, 6 November. You do not need to register for this separately; we will take care of it for you!
    Time Description
    Session 2 - Digesting the dilemmas presented by the Mansholt lecture
    09:00-09:30Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and NaturePresentation
    Director of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature

    Reflection and debate
    On the Mansholt lecture and a dilemma approach for the science-policy interface

    • Are dilemmas a good approach to creating a strong policy vision for the future of agriculture and nature?
    • What is the role of science in policy? Where does it start, where does it end?


    Knowledge for policy: concepts and methods

    Challenges in translating science into policy: experiences from the European Parliament
    11:25-12:00Moderator: Rens KoeleDialogue between JRC and MEP
    13.00-13.45Giampiero MAZZOCCHI (CREA) & Pasi RIKKONEN (LUKE)

    Dialogue between Finland and Italy followed by Group Discussion

    Conflict and synergies around the supply chain.

    • Local Food policies – debate about how science and policy combine in Italy
    • How science interacts in enhancing resilience and security of the supply of food systems in Finland
    Working session - How can we work together? Learnings from and for the Ghent Group



    Dealing with dilemmas: Roundtables with leading experts

    • How do we change governance? (Led by WUR)
    • How to develop a multi-actor approach? (led by ILVO) 
    15.15-16.15AllDevelop a  joint vision
    16:15– 16:30 Closing and goodbye
  • Abigail MUSCAT (Wageningen University and Research)
  • Thomas PLESENER  (Aarhus University)
  • Lene HEGELUND (Aarhus University)
  • Anja SKJOLBORG HANSEN (Aarhus University)
  • Olivier MORA (INRAE)
  • Katharina HELMING (ZALF)
  • Keerthi BANDRU (ZALF)
  • Didier RICHARD (INRAE)
  • Francesca MONITCONE (University of Bologna)
  • Giampiero MAZZOCCHI (CREA)
  • Elisa PORRECA (City of Milan) 
  • Madeleine COSTE (Eurocities)

Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (KVAB)

Hertogstraat 1 

B-1000 Brussel


Tel. +32.2 894 46 11 

Contact Information

For questions or comments please contact:

Event organiser
