ENPADASI: a new joint action of JPI HDHL

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The JPI HDHL launches, on February 7th 2014, a call to establish a European Nutritional Phenotype Assessment and Data Sharing Initiative (ENPADASI). Through the call procedure a networking programme will be adopted by the JPI HDHL to build up a specific Knowledge Hub (KH). The aim is to bring together research centres and their scientists from JPI Member Countries to carry out joint trans-multi-disciplinary activities aiming at the standardisation of data collection, storage and management through the development of a common methodology and a shared ICT infrastructure.

Download the Call Announcement


This initiative will offer an open access tool for all future mechanistic, intervention and epidemiological studies providing the highest level of standardisation of all phenotypic information of study subjects with regard to diet, physical activity levels and all biological, clinical and physiological measurements that define human body responses in health and disease states.
