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Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity Knowledge Hub
In 2012, the JPI HDHL launched its first Joint Action...
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BioNH (2014)
Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health
In April 2014 the Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’...
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European Nutritional Phenotype Assessment and Data Sharing Initiative
In 2014, the JPI HDHL launched a call to...
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NutriCog (2015)
Nutrition and Cognitive Function
In 2015, the JPI HDHL launched the Joint Action: Nutrition and Cognitive Function...
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FP4H (2015)
Food Processing for Health
In 2015 the JPI HDHL launched the Joint Action: Food Processing for Health. The funded...
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Intestinal Microbiomics (2015)
In 2015 the JPI HDHL launched the Joint Action: Intestinal Microbiomics. The Joint Action funded 6 projects that started...
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MANUEL (2015)
Malnutrition in the Elderly
In 2015, the JPI HDHL launched the call “Malnutrition in the Elderly Knowledge Hub”. The...
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BioNH (ERA-HDHL 2016)
Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health (co-funded call)
In February 2016, 14 countries launched the first ERA-HDHL...
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HDHL-INTIMIC (co-funded call) (HDHL-INTIMIC 2017)
In January 2017, the first joint funding action of the ERA-Net Cofund “Interrelation of the INtesTInal MICrobiome, Diet...
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Working Groups on Diet-related Diseases (2017)
In 2017 JPI HDHL launched a rapid action call to support a community-led working group that can push forward the field...
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Effectiveness of existing policies for lifestyle interventions
The ERA-HDHL partners launched the second joint funding...
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Nutrition & the Epigenome (ERA-HDHL 2018)
In February 2018, the JPI HDHL launched the call: "Nutrition & the Epigenome" under the umbrella of ERA-HDHL. The 13...
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