HDHL Food4Health

The European Commission has awarded €2.4 million to HDHL Food4Health, a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) designed to enhance research coordination in food, health, and sustainability. The project will run from January 2025 to December 2028 and is coordinated by ZonMw, in collaboration with 11 partners from 9 countries.


Increasing evidence links non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes, to unhealthy diets, the food environment and physical activity. The EU-funded HDHL F4H project will address the interconnected challenges of diet-related NCDs and climate change. Its main objective is to bring together the food and health domains as well as to connect quadruple helix stakeholders. Furthermore, it aims to align research and innovation priorities among research funding programmes by identifying research and policy needs in coordination with key stakeholders and initiatives. The project will facilitate co-creation workshops, widen the HDHL network and promote collaboration and knowledge exchange to shift towards a healthier and more sustainable dietary behaviour, ultimately contributing to improved public health and the UN SDGs.


Participant No. and Acronym
Participant organisation name
Zorgonderzoek NederlandNetherlands
2 EV-ILVOEigen vermogen van het Instituut voor Landbouw- en VisserijonderzoekBelgium
3 INRAEInstitut National de la Recherche Agronomique et de l’EnvironmentFrance
4 IBAInstitutul Naţional de Cercetare-dezvoltare pentru Bioresurse AlimentareRomania
5 KTUKauno Technologijos UniversitetasLithuania
6 IZMIzglitibas un Zinatnes MinistrijaLatvia
7 MASAFMinistero dell’Agricoltura, della Sovranita Alimentare e delle ForesteItaly
8 EPHAEuropean Public Health AllianceBelgium
9 ILSIInternational Life Sciences InstituteBelgium
10 EFADThe European Federation of the Associations of DietitiansNetherlands
11 IRIInstitut Za Razvoj I InovacijeSerbia

HDHL Food4Health News

European Union Grants €2.4 Million to CSA HDHL Food4Health to Strengthen Research and Innovation

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