HDHL Position Paper

HDHL is excited to share its position paper about 'Fragmentation in a sustainable food system - Is health being left behind in the dialogue?'.
The Position Paper was written by the three chairs Béatrice Morio (Management Board), Laura Fernandez (Stakeholder Advisory Board) and John Mathers (Scientific Advisory Board). It raises awareness about the siloed approach in the food and health domain but also shows fragmentiation in research and policy and in actions. The paper highlights the urgent need for a radical transformation in order to achieve a systems approach. HDHL is working on a future where people and domains are brought together. Stay updated about further developments and if you would like to react to the published paper, have a look at our contact details.
Authors paper: Béatrice Morio, Laura Fernandez and John Mathers
Text news item: HDHL secretariat
Publication date: October 2023
Text news item: HDHL secretariat
Publication date: October 2023