Outcomes JPI HDHL 2021 call FOOD_HYPERSENS
The call titled "Addressing adverse and beneficial effects of food ingredients and food processing on hypersensitivities to food” (FOOD_HYPERSENS) aims to address how food ingredients and food processing methods can induce or prevent the occurrence of food intolerances and allergies among the consumers. This call for projects was supported by 10 countries and 12 funding organizations.
At the closure of the call, twenty-one proposals were successfully submitted, representing 116 participants. After a remote evaluation and a rebuttal phase, the scientific evaluation panel met digitally on September 2nd, 2021. The evaluation process resulted in the funding of four projects for a total budget of 4,4 million euros. The funded projects involve eighteen funded research groups from France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Norway, Spain and United Kingdom. Five collaborators, who will participate to the funded projects using their own resources, are also a part from the funded consortia. These collaborators are from Germany, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
The national negotiations for funding are ongoing, and the expected start of the funded projects is between December 2021 and Spring 2022. More information on each of the projects will follow after their official start.
More information:
- about the call: FOOD_HYPERSENS
- about the ERA-Net: ERA-HDHL