Update on the JPI HDHL 2021 call STAMIFY

Outcomes STAMIFY photo
In January 2021, the ERA-Net HDHL-INTIMIC partners, under the umbrella of JPI HDHL, launched a 5th joint funding action called “Standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers to study food intake, physical activity and health (STAMIFY)”.

The STAMIFY call intends to fund dedicated, scientifically excellent transnational research projects that develop improved methods and tools to assess and monitor diet and physical activity in order to provide better dietary and physical activity recommendations and guidelines. Ten funding agencies from 8 different countries (AT, BE, CZ, DE, ES, FR, IE, LV) have already committed a budget of more than 5 Mil €.

At the closure of the first stage (March 31), 26 pre-proposals were successfully submitted by 183 participants requesting a total budget of 27 Mil €. A panel of international experts will be in charge of the scientific peer review evaluation. The evaluation results of the pre-proposals will be communicated to the applicants early June and those applicants that will be invited to go to the next stage will have the opportunity to submit a full proposal by July 22 at the latest.

More information including the call documents is available here.

