The latest news from HDHL.
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Outcomes JPI HDHL 2021 call STAMIFY
In January 2021, the JPI HDHL launched STAMIFY, the 4th additional non-cofunded Joint Funding Action (JFA) implemented...
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Outcomes JPI HDHL 2021 call FOOD_HYPERSENS
In February 2021, the JPI HDHL launched FOOD_HYPERSENS, the 6th call organized under the umbrella of ERA-Net ERA-HDHL to...
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‘An exciting time for nutrition research’ – JPI HDHL Scientific Advisory Board interview
There is much more knowledge about the link between nutrition and health, including brain health, than a decade ago when...
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Exploring pathways to Impact - Results of HDHL innovation training for Early Career Scientists
Ensuring real societal impact is a top priority of the JPI HDHL. In line with this objective the ERA-NET HDHL-INTIMIC...
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Looking back at the 6th JPI HDHL conference
Although a face-to-face event was not yet possible, the Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’...
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Update on the JPI HDHL 2021 call FOOD_HYPERSENS
In February 2021, the JPI HDHL launched FOOD_HYPERSENS, the 6th call organised under the umbrella of ERA-Net ERA-HDHL to...
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Update on the JPI HDHL 2021 call STAMIFY
In January 2021, the ERA-Net HDHL-INTIMIC partners, under the umbrella of JPI HDHL, launched a 5th joint funding action...
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One week till the JPI HDHL conference: view full programme and register now!
The 6th international conference of the Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ will take place...
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Register now for 6th JPI HDHL conference on April 20 and 21
The 6th international conference of the Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ will take place...
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The JPI HDHL is pleased to announce the launch of “FOOD_HYPERSENS”, a sixth call organized under the umbrella of the ERA...
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Now open: STAMIFY call
The ERA-Net HDHL-INTIMIC partners are pleased to announce the launch of a 4th additional non-cofunded joint funding...