HDHL-INTIMIC (INtesTInal MICrobiomics) aims to coordinate national and regional programmes in the area of diet, intestinal microbiomics and health as well as nutrition and health in general, thereby contributing to the implementation of Healthy Diet, Healthy Life (HDHL) objectives.


HDHL-INTIMIC builds further on the Joint Action Intestinal Microbiomics and aims to combine and strengthen efforts to support research and implement a transnational Knowledge Platform on the interrelation of the intestinal microbiome, diet and health. There is increasing scientific evidence that the intestinal microbiome and its composition greatly influence metabolic processes and thereby affecting the onset and development of lifestyle-related diseases. However, the underlying mechanisms of these interrelations are still largely unknown.


The overall aim of HDHL-INTIMIC is to build a solid knowledge base for the development of new strategies and products for health promotion and prevention of chronic diseases through diet-dependent modulation of the intestinal microbiome. 


Fourteen funding organisations from nine HDHL partner countries combined their efforts to fund excellent research projects and support the establishment of a transnational and transdisciplinary Knowledge Platform.

Partner Organisations

Country Funding Organisation Abbreviation Website
Austria Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research BMBWF  

Flanders’ Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Fund for Scientific Research






France French National Research Agency ANR www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr

Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture







Israel Ministry of Science, Technology and Space MoST  

Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies

Ministry of Universities and Research









The Netherlands The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development ZonMw www.zonmw.nl

National Institute of Health Carlos III

State Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación)





Sweden The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning Formas www.formas.se/


The responsible organsation for the coordination of the HDHL-INTIMIC ERA-NET is Project Management Agency in the German Aerospace Center (DLR-PT) - Health Research.

Dr. Kristina Foterek (Coordinating Officer)
T: +49 228 3821 1161
E: kristina.foterek@dlr.de (cc: nutrition-hdhl@dlr.de)

Dr. Felicitas Bosen (Scientific Officer) Dr. Ann Siehoff (Scientific Officer)
E: Felicitas.Bosen@dlr.de E: Ann.Siehoff@dlr.de

Management Framework

HDHL-INTIMIC Management Framework
Network Coordination Unit (NCU)

The NCU is the intermediary between the Consortium and the European Commission and is responsible for the overall coordination of the HDHL-INTIMIC Action. It is composed of the coordinating officer, two project managers and a financial and administrative project officer, located at the Project Management Agency of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR-PT).

Network Steering Committee (NSC)

The Network Steering Committee is the highest body responsible for the execution of the HDHL-INTIMIC Action. It is composed of one representative from each HDHL-INTIMIC partner organisation.

Executive Board (EB)

The Executive Board is composed of one representative from each ERA-HDHL partner organization. It is the general executive body of the consortium and oversees the timely execution of all work packages. It is composed of the work package leaders and the NCU.

Call Steering Committee (CSC)

It is formed for each joint call and composed of those Network Steering Committee members taking part in the joint call ("variable geometry" principle), and additional partners outside the consortium which may join the calls. The Call Steering Committee makes all decisions related to the implementation of the calls, including the scoping of the call, the evaluation process and monitoring of funded projects.

Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) / Joint Funding Action Secretariat (JFAS)

The Joint Funding Secretariat/ Joint Funding Action Secretariat serves as a central contact point for applicants, evaluators and funders for the cofunded call or for the additional Joint Funding Activities. The JCS/JFAS is the central contact point for all joint call activities.

Scientific Evaluation Committee (SEC)

The Scientific Evaluation Committee is a panel of internationally recognised scientific experts without conflict of interest, who are responsible for the evaluation of submitted proposals.

Reseach Activities

A joint transnational call on the "Interrelation of the Intestinal Microbiome, Diet and Health" cofunded by the European Union was launched on the 26th of January 2017. This call aimed on gaining knowledge on the basic understanding of the gut microbiome and it's causal relation to health, the impact of dietary components and strategies for preventive and therapeutic applications.

Complementary to this research call, a comprehensive "Knowledge Platform for Intestinal Microbiomics, Diet and Health" will be implemented as an additional networking action. It is aimed to support networking between research consortia funded under HDHL-INTIMIC as well as the ones funded through previous joint actions such as "Intestinal Microbiomics" or other relevant initiatives. It will be open to scientists from all relevant disciplines as well as stakeholders and will aim at fostering cooperation in order to facilitate knowledge sharing and method standardisation.


Cofunded Call

Interrelation of the Intestinal Microbiome, Diet and Health (HDHL-INTIMIC 2017)

Additional Call

Knowledge Platform (HDHL-INTIMIC 2018)




Other activities

In addition, the INTIMIC coordination unit at DLR-PT, Germany, represents HDHL in the CSA “MicrobiomeSupport - Towards coordinated microbiome Research and Innovation activities in the food system to support European and international bioeconomy goals” that runs from November 2018 until October 2022.

Publication and Deliverables

May 2023: Project results: The role of early dietary habits in infant gut immunity and disease risk

May 2023: Project results on the relationships between gut microbiota, red meat consumption and colorectal cancer

May 2023: Dietary protein intake and type 2 diabetes

April 2023: Outcomes HDHL-INTIMIC 2017 co-funded call 'Interrelation of the Intestinal Microbiome, Diet and Health’

April 2023: Project results: What is the impact of maternal obesity on the offspring in later life?

April 2023: Project results on dietary fats, gut microbiota and NAFLD

April 2023: Project results: the role of bile acids and dietary fibre in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

April 2023: INTIMIC cofunded projects on intestinal microbiome, diet and health are finished!

November 2022: 25 November 2022: Open Research Europe webinar

October 2022: Lively discussions on obesity prevention strategies at the PREPHOBES research projects’ Midterm meeting

September 2022: Coming up: HDHL- INTIMIC PREPHOBES projects’ midterm meeting

July 2022: HDHL-INTIMIC: Healthy Microbiome Symposium

May 2021: PREPHOBES call: joint projects' kick-off meeting focused on impact and connecting to policy

October 2021: Outcomes JPI HDHL 2021 call STAMIFY

April 2021: Update on the JPI HDHL 2021 call STAMIFY

January 2021: Outcomes of the PREPHOBES call

January 2021: Now open: “STAMIFY” call

December 2020: HDHL-INTIMIC new call expected: Standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers...

August 2020: Successful mid-term symposium of HDHL-INTIMIC projects

June 2020: Update on the JPI HDHL 2020 calls PREVNUT and PREPHOBES

May 2020: Virtual mid-term symposium of HDHL-INTIMIC projects

January 2020: Now open: “PREPHOBES” call

December 2019: New call expected: Prevention of unhealthy weight gain and obesity during crucial phases throughout the lifespan (PREPHOBES)

June 2019: Update: ERA HDHL-INTIMIC call “METADIS”


Call Secretariat: DLR (Germany)

nutrition-HDHL [at] dlr.de
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Funded by the European Union

HDHL-INTIMIC has received funding from the European's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement n.727565